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The importance of heat treated wood pallets and crates


It cannot be reiterated enough. The heat treatment of wood cases and shipping pallets is critical to the safety of consumers. With ongoing news developments concerning recalls within the food and pharmaceutical industries as a result of the presence of chemical traces from the fumigation of wooden crates and pallets, the method of sterilization by heat treatment seems like the only safe option for sterilizing wooden pallets and wood cases.

The International Phytosanitary Standard for Wood Packaging - ISPM15, currently adopted by fourteen countries and the entire European Union, relates to all forms of wood packaging material from shipping pallets to wood crates. This international standard requires that the wood be debarked, heat treated (read Heat treated pallets: the proper way to sterilize wood pallets), and then stamped with a mark of compliance.

Sterilizing exported wood packaging
It is the spread of wood pests that led to the development and the implementation of the ISPM-15 treatment standard.

Formosan termites
For example, the Formosan termite, a native of East Asia, is believed to have been introduced to the United States in the 1940s. The termites likely arrived in the USA via military ships returning from World War II. These ships carried cargo in wood crates and pallets.

Since being introduced to the US, the termites have spread throughout the south east states, favouring the coastal areas and warm, humid weather.

As per all termites, this species strives on wood products. Termites are destructive insects which cause severe damage to homes and buildings.

Heat treatment
In this method of wood sterilization, the wooden crates and wood shipping pallets are heated until they reach a minimum core temperature of 56 °C (132.8 °F) for at least 30 minutes.

Canada and USA
In 2005, when both Canada and the United States adopted the ISPM-15 import requirements for wood crates and wood pallets, the two countries agreed to do without these standards for wood packing material moving between the two countries.

Over time, both countries have reassessed the threat of pests associated with shipments between the two countries and have decided that many issues could be addressed if the import of wood packaging material between the two countries was regulated in the same manner as those entering from other countries. Based on these conclusions, Canada and the US are intending to fully implement ISPM-15 by the summer of 2012. 1

All purchasers and users of wood packaging material (pallets, boxes and crates) must remain up-to-date concerning the implementation of the ISPM-15 standard.

L.C.N. inc. was the first North American wooden pallets manufacturer to offer heat treated wooden pallets. At L.C.N. inc., we guarantee that our heat treated pallets and wood crates meet the strictest cleanliness and sterilization standards as required by the food and pharmaceutical industries.


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L.C.N inc.
1180, Route 243, C.P. 210
Saint-Félix-de-Kingsey (Québec)

Telephone: 819 848-2521
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